Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Application Paper

I focused solely on their nonverbal communication and watched how they were able to enhance their conversations with things such as gestures, behavior, and tone or volume. O'Hara and Wingman state that there are times when no dialogue is needed to have a conversation and communicate (128). Through my field study, I found this to be very true and observed several Interactions between many people and I was able to understand what their situation was by simply watching them communicate nonverbally. Studies show that nonverbal behavior carries more importance than verbal behavior when we express spontaneous feelings, assess the motives of others and how they present themselves, express rapport with others, and figure out others' meanings when there are not many other behaviors to observe† (130). One couple I saw, seemed to be arguing about something and he did not seem to have any interest in what she was saying. First, I could easily assume they were a couple by the way they acted .They sat very close together, they were sharing a drink, ND she often grabbed his hand to get his attention. Her grabbing his hand Is an example of body movements called kinesics which are the aspects of gestures and body movements that send nonverbal messages (135). It also indicated a love- Intimacy touch. The nonverbal message being sent was that they're together, she cares, and is trying to resolve things. Him, on the other hand was speaking with his eyes. Oculists is the study of the use of the eyes to communicate, and it covers the Importance of the eyes In communication across the lifespan† (137). The fact that he was not making eye contact and constantly rolling his eyes every time she was trying to talk to him gave off the message that he doesn't care about what she has to say and he's most likely annoyed with her. They were carrying on a verbal conversation but by paying close attention, you could easily notice all the nonverbal aspects of their argument. For exampl e, there were times when she would slam her hand on the table.This could easily indicate she's emphasizing what she Is saying and is trying to get her point across. Her slamming her hand down is an example of an illustrator. An illustrator reinforces verbal messages and helps visually explain what is being said (135). Another nonverbal aspect was their voices. â€Å"How we pause, the speed and volume of our speech, and the inflections we use are vocalizes nonverbal messages called Paraguayan† (155). Studies show that we find angry, demanding voices annoying and whiny voices even more annoying (139).This applies to the situation because his girlfriend was raising her voice and trying to grab his attention, when in laity, it was most likely causing him even more reason to not even give her the time of day and pushing her away even more. You could also notice how she was embarrassed to be arguing in public so she would often lower her voice when she realized how loud she was bei ng. Another way they communicated nonverbally was the amount of personal space they had. She was trying to be In his Intimate space, O to 18 inches away from him, whereas it seemed that he did not want to be that close to her.After about 15 minutes, she finally got up, kicked his chair and left, which is after her, which indicated he was over the argument and seemed relieved that she had left. By watching a couple for only about 15 minutes, I was able to pull out a lot of information as to how they were feeling and what situation they were in. It's easy to assume things about a couple and their relationship by simply paying attention to the small details. Nonverbal communication is much more spontaneous and unintentional which means it's a better indicator of how someone truly feels (129).Although they were speaking, their gestures, body movements and several other actors enhanced the conversation and allowed the other person to obtain a better understanding of how they felt. For ex ample, she made it clear to him that she was upset and angry and he made it very evident that he was not in the mood to argue and did not care what she was saying. It is very easy to understand a situation better when nonverbal communication is involved. This field study allowed to me to observe many aspects of nonverbal communication and apply them to the people in the food court at my local mall.

Social Costs and Externalities of Indonesian Palm Oil

Indonesia is the leading producer and exporter of palm oil across the globe. Oil palm is of high economic status throughout Indonesia, Africa, and most of the East because of its abundance in the region, richness of nutritional and mineral components, and high yields of edible and technical oils. The extensive development of oil palm industries in many tropical countries is due to its extremely high potential productivity. The steady demand of the oil has existed for integration into processed oods, personal care products, and home-cooked meals.Correspondingly, with increased interest in substitution of fossil fuels, palm oil is being demanded for biofuel energy production. The issues with palm oil extraction are many; One including that the high demand from developed nations has lead to the push of cultivation into the rainforests, destroying habitat. Additionally, the production and extracting gives opportunities for small land-holders to participate in the cash economy, but often time big banks and companies acquire their land without notification or compensation. Migrant workers and imported laborers are said to legally conflict with extraction processes.Regardless, a large majority of the rural- poor, working class of Indonesia relies on income from palm oil production. With that, the entire population could be lifted out of poverty. The central obligation Indonesia holds is to lift their unemployed and impoverished majority from those circumstances and boost sustainable economic growth. Since the economy of the country is heavily dependent primarily of the agriculture, forestry and mining sectors, the opening up of forests and further extraction of their natural esources are the most reliable sources toward reaching their financial goals.In relation, externalities and social costs must be taken into account because local production, global markets, and climate change are ever connected in the race to seize reproductive function of renewable resources. Wit h that in mind, Indonesia is the third largest emitter of greenhouse gases in the world as a result of their deforestation, peat land degradation, and forest fires for their expanding industry of palm oil extraction (Business Watch Indonesia, 2007).Meanwhile, Indonesia is a low-lying coastal area and is vulnerable to the climate ffects that they, in fact, are contributing their greenhouse gases to. Additionally, with Indonesia's longitudinal positioning on the equator, it is most susceptible to the sink dynamics resulting from climate change. However, because there is an influx of demand for palm oil for food and industrial consumption, Indonesia has Jumped onto the opportunity to expand their already leading production to meet demand and bring rise to each worker's GDP.Indonesia holds close to 50 percent of share-hold global production on palm oil and to keep up with their plans on extending the ountries production from 22 million tons to 40 million tons by 2020, they are using thi s opportunity to establish programs for promotion of biofuels (Buschmann, The Case of Indonesian Palm Oil, 2011). While rich countries put forth effort to specialize in environmentally friendly production and are implementing boundaries of sustainability in their own economies, they are attracted to productions that are environmentally harmful in developing regions.This shifts the environmental costs from importer to exporter and ultimately leads to unequal ecological exchange from ttempting to make the shift to renewable energy and meet the standards of the Kyoto and Montreal Protocols within their own boundaries. Wealthy nations are continuously working to cut emissions with increased awareness of global climate change. However, the Kyoto Protocol fails to commit those high producing developing nations to those same standards, (BWI, 2010). This is an issue in that rich nations emission reduction is based on their economic development and status.What such nations are not willing to assist in is the sustainable development and growth of the eveloping nations they are importing from through fair trade, technology transfer, and overall financial and technical assistance. Without respect to the natural capital or the environment, Indonesia is doing quite well in terms of progressing as an economically sustainable country. Palm oil and its global importance in the newer- found relation to biodiesel is a valuable asset in providing a brighter quality of life in regards to revenue for more than three million Indonesian workers and their families (Waltermann & Streubel, BWI, 2010).Commonsensically, more people working in a rowing biofuel-centered sector would lead to increasing incomes and overall economic achievement. In the case of Indonesian palm oil, there is a central assumption that represents complex, crisscrossing issues that encompass the different levels of action from a varying range of contributors with multiple interests. This means that although the loc al production is paying the native workers, local production, international trade, and global climate change are all interconnected.The directives put in place by developed economies look to reach a final level of renewable energy consumption. Palm oil is seen for its energetic, technically renewable â€Å"biofuel† use and can have a positive effect on economic growth for both palm oil producers as well as energy producers, at the expense of exploited natural resources and forest habitats. There are undoubtedly counterproductive consequences accompanying the demand for sustainable crude palm oil and the general switch from fossil fuels to â€Å"renewable† fuels.By converting national accounts to â€Å"green economies† (budgets with money for renewable energy allotted into them), there is an alleviation on the debate of translating environmental concerns into conomic variables, but only when applied to sustainable concepts. This is faulty because it rides on the idea that all forms of capital can substitute each other regardless of how the stock of the capital is composed. This means that well-off the while overextending a resources productive capacity (OECD, 2005) The concept of environmental Justice or â€Å"strong sustainability' has limitations on the previously noted substitution of capital.Because there are boundaries on forests' reproductive capacity, the continuity of economic systems are at risk. Most â€Å"westernized† overnments have reached the manufactured and natural capital equilibrium, where they have the ability to access both forms of the goods, and any rise in one will have an expense on the other. Forest products, and in this case palm oil from the Indonesian forests, are shown to have short-term economic gains by conversion of forest to agricultural use in the over-exploitation of the products. This typically leads to long-term loss in income and biological productivity.Also in the case of Indonesian palm oil an d forest loss, the production is exceeding the value of ready-for- production, mature sources. The graph below demonstrates the progression of palm oil production and how Indonesia was able to reliably supply roughly 57 percent of the annual increase with its vast land resources and a suitable climate. However, it is clear that production has extended beyond the mature supplies and gone into areas beyond suitability to reach demand from international markets and an increased interest by native small farm-holders to erect their own private plantations (USDA, Foreign Agricultural Service, 2009).Social and external costs are largely associated with export and import rates, overnment investment and tax systems in the international market. One abrogating externality is the non-tariff trade barriers applied by developed importers. To assure some security when and if free trade is effective and ecological standards go down, these barriers work to restrict the exporters in the market when s upply cannot meet demand. On the other hand, for small farm-holders to establish their plantations, they must qualify for subsidizing credit provided by the Government of Indonesia and prioritize with other startup costs.Because of this possibility the palm oil roduction sector has experienced strong development and expansion across the country, with an average of 8-13% annual growth rates in palm areas over the last decade (USDA, 2009). The Indonesian government, over the past decade, has provided these loans to encourage smallholders' expansion, at rates below market interest. Alongside the enabling of non-commercial plantation ownership, the Government has advocated ownership with programs that provide smallholders with improved seed, fertilizers, and techniques for growth.Additionally, land-use permits ave been reevaluated to allot more time for companies to control profits earned by a plantation. These interventions have brought positive change in the market significantly; non- commercial palm oil farms now account for 44 percent of the total area in the country, second to private commercials (Foreign Agricultural Service, 2009). A major effect of these implementations is the establishment of processing plants. Because fresh fruit bunches require processing within 48 hours of harvest, oil refining plants have been constructed near major concentrations of harvest land.Construction and operation of each plant represents a significant fixed cost for the developer, and typically ends up servicing both commercial and smallholder palm producers that surround it† (Foreign Agricultural Service, 2009). The investment in in contributor in the success of Indonesia's palm oil business. At the expense of the environment's health, and with the push from changes in government economic and political policies, historical highs have been reached leading Indonesia to the number one spot in exporting and producing of palm oil.Nonetheless, without regard to its ommunal u se and benefits to the servicer, service emissions are still added to the atmosphere, more resources and forests are eliminated, reducing the amount of the fruit available for use by the farmers and ruining the habitat of accompanying wildlife. Further success rates in the palm oil sector I believe, at this point, rely on the clarification of one all-encompassing issue. That is, whether or not ecological economies can lead to different assessments of how economic growth, open trade, and the environment can be positively or negatively associated.Investors and roducers have optimistic expectations of improving their economies despite being built on the depletion of a natural capital and possibly misleading those civilians toward a downward trend.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

October Sky The Movie Essay

The movie October Sky deals with a lot of themes that still exist in societies all over the world today. One of the main themes and perhaps the most obvious is the inspiring idea of chasing one’s dream and never giving up until success is found. In the movie, we find Homer Hickam, an average small-town boy, intrigued by the launch of Soviet satellite Sputnik and infatuated with the idea of joining the space race and making his own rockets. Homer becomes inspired to better himself. He wants to successfully build rockets and with further encouragement from his teacher, Miss Riley, he and his friends enter a science fair in which they have the chance to receive college scholarships. This is Homer’s dream and he sets his goals accordingly to achieve his dream. Homer doesn’t allow any obstacle, even family troubles, to stop him from obtaining his dream. His recognition of his goals and persistence in achieving them is a very admirable thing to do and is something that still happens all the time. Over different decades the dreams may change and the challenges one face to achieve them may be different but no matter what decade, people are always going to have dreams and goals they want to achieve in their lives. Every person has a desire to be successful and happy. Success and achievement of dreams does not come easy. A person must have determination to be successful and the theme of aspiring to a goal and a better life does not go away over decades, no matter how big or small the dream is. Family conflict is another theme that is universal for many reasons. In several ways, family conflict is combined with the theme of the generation gap. This is because family conflict is often caused by a lack of understanding between people and that most often occurs between adults and children/teenagers. In October Sky, the conflict between Homer and his father, John, was in many ways inevitable. Homer and John were bought up in very different worlds. John grew up in a traditional world where most things were black or white – right or wrong and things were always done the same way. Homer is living his  teenage years in a time where the future of small towns is uncertain and the United States is being dragged into a technological age. Growing up in such different worlds leaves the two with very different thoughts and perspectives on just about everything which means they are no doubt going to clash on those points. Their different perspectives cause Homer and John to rarely see eye to eye on things. The only thing they seemed to have in common was the fact that they were both very stubborn and that worked against them. Family conflicts are often inevitable, even to this day. The generation gap between Homer and John that caused a lot of their problems obviously still occurs between families in every country of our decade and will probably still occur for the rest of time. The themes dealt with in October Sky, such as the pursuit of a dream, family conflict, generation gap and more such as financial problems have been around for a long time and probably for a long time to come.

Monday, July 29, 2019

Planning Careers and Demand Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Planning Careers and Demand - Essay Example re also applicable in the United States? And (2) if so, what career advice would you give to these people if you were mentoring them? Specify three key pieces of advice. Planning Careers and Demand Applicability of Findings The findings in the United Kingdom indicating that the trend for college graduates is to look for jobs that accord vast opportunities for career breaks could not possibly be applicable in the United States. As aptly quoted from the US Bureau of Labor Statistics regarding career decisions, â€Å"making informed career decisions requires reliable information about opportunities in the future. Opportunities result from the relationships between the population, labor force, and the demand for goods and service† (cited from The Indians Abroad, 2009, par. 1). ... y Anderson (2001) acknowledged that "workers in the United States are putting in more hours than anyone else in the industrialized world" (Anderson, 2001, par. 1). The above information disputes UK’s trend on college graduates’ priorities on career breaks as being likewise applicable in the US. The mere fact that students opted to pursue college careers indicate that they are holistically prepared to get into the greater responsibilities, accountabilities accorded to college graduates – with the aim of being remunerated more than their non-college degree holder counterparts who are looking for employment. These groups of graduates are more high achievement oriented and recognize the need to earn more while the demands for their respective professions are high. Further, the basic difference in UK and US economy pertains to availment of health insurance benefits. The National Health Service (NHS) of the UK â€Å"provides free essential health care for all UK citiz ens - regardless of age, occupation or the ability to pay† (Healthinsurance, 2010, par. 1). In contrast, health insurance in the US is still being reformed to accommodate millions of uninsured Americans, who could not afford to pay for insurance coverages and therefore need to seek for appropriate high-paying jobs to afford exorbitant health insurance fees and medical costs. Thus, while newly hired college graduates in the UK could afford to look forward to career breaks, their counterparts in the US need to work their way up the organizational ladder to save for a rainy day. Finally, there really is a big difference in the standard paid vacation between the UK and the US. Infoplease (2011) cited the World Tourism Organization’s data which revealed that the number of days of paid vacation per year that

Sunday, July 28, 2019

The pentagon papers Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

The pentagon papers - Essay Example Firstly, it came to be known that Nixon had sought a way to illegally discredit and outright stop Ellsberg during his first and only term as president. This understanding and realization was worth more than most people initially realized; due to the fact that the desire to stifle dissent and promote continued engagement in Vietnam was an issue that both political parties tacitly supported. Secondly, the impact upon society with respect to an understanding of democracy was one that encouraged people to question what the government actually was taking part in; no longer was allowing for the luxury of believing spokesmen with respect to the activities that were going on within the military or within governance. As such, the principal values that were eroded with respect to this situation can be determined to be predicated upon public trust in the government. Further, the impact upon the constitutional strength of the first amendment was also profound. The underlying reason for this has do to with the fact that even though individuals within the government originally sought to prosecute those responsible for the publication of these documents, any effort to do so was eventually understood as causing further damage to the administration. Similar to the situation of Edward Snowden, the ethical concern that is illustrated within this case, and within the film, had to do with the fact that publication of these documents was clearly an abrogation of the law (Freivogel, 2013). However, due to the number of individuals that continued to die in the Vietnam conflict each and every day, Ellsberg was faced with the ethical dilemma of whether or not the lies and fabrications that the government had thus far been responsible for warranted the unprecedented release of information. Ultimately, the answer that was determined was that the loss of trust a nd outright lies that the US government had been peddling for nearly 8 years was

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Introduction to Business Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 2

Introduction to Business - Essay Example The safest way that a bank can safeguard my money is through insurance. What more can banks do to further ensure this is true? Effective banks with strategies of safeguarding depositors’ money should take covers against losses from insurance companies with good reputation, good history, and strong financial base. The insuring company should have been in the insurance industry for a considerably long period of time to have proven its competence. According my job, I am planning to retire at the age of 60 years. I will be no longer productive in my profession hence it will be time to rest and enjoy the fruits of my hard labor. I want to serve my people in the best way I can in order to build a base for prosperity for the future generation. Steps I have taken? I am working hard to ensure that all my children will be through with their education and living a better life before my retirement. What more do I need to be doing now to make sure it happens? I need to invest in profitable business opportunities. I am directing a good portion of my income to educating my children as well as in ventures which have promising returns by the time I retire. I am also saving part of my income in credible banking institutions. I have also engaged my income into a good life insurance scheme to cater for my old age at that time as well as my family while I am

Friday, July 26, 2019

Welcome to India 2012 - Documentary (Episode 1 of 3) Essay

Welcome to India 2012 - Documentary (Episode 1 of 3) - Essay Example They wake up at 3am to dust the street to get gold that, in turns; they sell to Naukada- one of the gold merchants (YouTube). They get poor pay and gets frustrated. However, the have to sell to the same man as he own house in which they live in. Their struggle is highlighted as the prices for gold goes up. This means there is less available gold in dust, in the street. They opt to go for sludge. They acquire sludge in a most inhumane way, as it is full of ‘shit’. We are also shown Javeds employees working tirelessly to get pure gold (YouTube). The film also focuses on live of poor in Mumbai beach. The life is highlighted using Rajesh family. Rajesh is married to Sevita. They own a pub with no license from the council. Rajesh had been jailed due to this illegality. Sevita his wife also does part time jobs as a cleaner despite physical challenges (YouTube). The family also goes through challenges of constant eviction. They are forced to rebuild the house every time after the eviction. Rajesh is also forced to rely on moneylender to boost his stock and is faced with challenges of repaying. I disliked the way young people are forced to go through inhumane ways of making ends meet. In this film, I have learnt it is advantageous to learn how to interact and interview in order to get facts about people ways of

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Analyzing Martin Luther Kings' "A Letter from Bermingham Essay

Analyzing Martin Luther Kings' "A Letter from Bermingham Jail" - Essay Example While his idea that peaceful demonstrations are essential in exerting pressure on the government to pay attention to discrimination issues has been widely accepted, there are those who criticized the demonstrators for failing to give the government enough time to respond to the matters. From a critical point of view, there is evidence that Luther is right on the idea that the government has consistently ignored the plight of the black Americans and that peaceful demonstrations are crucial to push the government to look at these issues. This article seeks to analyze critically the arguments of Martin Luther King in his article in Birmingham jail. Luther’s idea that discrimination is an urgent issue that the government has ignored for a long time is sound and has garnered a lot of support. The discrimination of black Americans in the US has been a serious issue for a long time. Evidently, the Blacks were discriminated in all areas including employment, courts, and other public areas. The victimization of Black Americans, referred to as â€Å"negroes,† was common as the authorities perceived this minority group as criminals. A good example is the case in Ferguson when a white police officer, Darren Wilson, shot an unarmed teenager, Michael Brown, after suspecting him as a potential criminal. Later, it was proved that the teenager was innocent, but the court justified the action of the white Policeman. The BlackLivesMatter movement points out that a black person is shot every 28 hours period by a white policeman and that more than 25 percent Black Americans live in abject poverty. These statistics support the idea of Luther that â€Å"justice too long delayed is justice denied† (2). From this angle, Martin Luther’s letter in Birmingham jail presents the true picture of the injustice perpetrated against blacks in the US. Secondly, Luther presents the idea that the US government has been adamant to handle the issues of the Black people is debatable (4).

Discussion Communications in emergency management Coursework

Discussion Communications in emergency management - Coursework Example Thirdly, the chances of miscommunication due to absence of written communication are also high. For example, inaccuracy and misreporting characterized the Chi-chi earthquake and hurricane Katrina in the US. The two instances showed the current telephone, radio and television are not reliable for communication when managing disasters (Cheng-Ming, Chan and Adnan, 2009). The use of Internet Social Networking (ISN) platforms should also be implemented. â€Å"Internet social networking (ISN) or online social networking is the use of web based technologies to provide a virtual forum for internet users however diverse and afar to communicate and share ideas and information† (Cheng-Ming, Chan and Adnan, 2009 p. 2). ISN methods such as microblogging, search engines and social networking websites are instrumental during such emergencies. For example, a new platform is being designed to make it easier for communication during times when cell phones cease to work in emergencies (Tendo, 2014).The idea known as First responder Network (First Net) is to use a seamless network to allow the accessibility of first responders in emergencies (Tendo, 2014). The use of wireless network and applications in disaster management is highly encouraged in the modern age due to the proven failure of current disaster management emergency communication (Tendo, 2014). The failure in these network failures could be brought about by demolition of electrical and network infrastructures by walls, debris or even water. In case all technological means of communication fail, it will be necessary to use alternate means to convey messages long distances, for example, by use of responders or messengers. Information will be delivered first-hand by responders to such sites. The disaster team will take action during and after the occurrence. It is also crucial to create an

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Legal and financial environment Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Legal and financial environment - Essay Example The contracts should also define the working hours and the leaves an employee should get. Moreover, any related employment policies such as anti-bribery laws make part of the contract. The rules and regulation relating the job assigned needs explicit statements. The relationship between the employer and the employee needs clarity. Nevertheless, the employee should know the ground in which issues such as dismissal, resigning from works occur. Moreover, the contract should define the expectations of the employer from the employees. That way, confusion would be minimal in that the employees will focus on what they are expected of to facilitate achieving the company’s goals and objectives (, 2015). The U.K employment laws prohibit laws that discriminate in any way against any individual when making job advertisements. Some of the general rules that Grace and tailor should follow to avoid accusations during advertising and recruiting are mentioned below. First, the job advert must not imply or state that there will be discrimination of anyone. For instance, it should not imply that the company does not prefer workers with a disability. The use of a common phrase like â€Å"averagely experience† or â€Å"fresh graduates† is inappropriate. The platform where one advertises may also imply indirect discrimination, for example, advertising the job in the women’s magazine. Noticeably, specifying the age limit may also involve discrimination. During the recruiting process, the law prohibits the inclusion of date of birth on an application letter. Selecting potential employees for an interview based on age appears to be discriminative. Moreover, the U.K employment laws say that an applicant need not to talk about criminal convictions if any though areas such as schools may not have the rule applying to them. The employer should not use the membership of a trade union to influence the decision to

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

PreCalc PARAMETRIC PROJECT Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

PreCalc PARAMETRIC PROJECT - Essay Example hand, each of the hyperbolas of parametric curves (5), (6), and (7) consists of two regions that reflect each other’s opposite courses of motion (clockwise and counter-clockwise). Apparently, a parametric motion is governed by equations where a third variable ‘t’, known as the parameter, is introduced. One discovers and comprehends that, in dealing with problems involving parametric motion, the concept of working with parametric equations is quite impressive in the sense that these equations are plotted as a single graph designed to illustrate movement along the ‘x’ and movement along the ‘y’ (Dawkins). To this extent, there emerges clearer understanding of the motion of a point particle as it occurs in two dimensions simultaneously. No wonder parametric motion has been applied widely in kinematics or in other similar fields that require the scheme of observing point particles in terms of their displacements, velocities, and elapsed time (t) of travel. As such, a typical kinematic problem is parametrically characterized by a projectile whose parabolic (or semi-elliptical) trajectory depicts the object’s velocity a nd displacement (on 2-D xy-plane) as a function of

Monday, July 22, 2019

All Romances end in Marriage Essay Example for Free

All Romances end in Marriage Essay By this time Bathsheba was in love with Troy or believed she was. Troy also thought he was in love yet it was only infatuation. Bathsheba loved Troy in the way that only self-reliant women love when they abandon their self-reliance This shows that Bathsheba has given up her independence that she relied on in the past for the love of Troy. Hardy changes the character of Bathsheba slightly by falling in love with Troy as she now has given up one of her qualities that she relied on, her independence. Hardys readers can see that Bathsheba has changed for love as she is has wrongly fallen in love with Troy. Hardys readers know this is wrong and in time things will change, as this is not the cause of true love. Bathsheba and Troy eventually get married and that is when the romance begins to end. The two become less infatuated with each other and start to become bitter. When Troy, Bathsheba and her workforce are celebrating there marriage Troy gets rid of all the women and gets drunk with all the men. Meanwhile Gabriel is outside all night in the storm trying to save the harvest. Bathsheba is greatly thankful for what he has done Thank you for your devotion a thousand times Gabriel! Hardy shows yet again that Gabriel is the right man for Bathsheba through his loyalty, devotion and general good and decent nature. The reader knows that Bathsheba is with the wrong man and hopefully it is only a matter of time before her and Gabriel get together. When it is discovered that Fanny is dead, Gabriel is the first to look at the coffin and notices that it says Fanny Robbin and child Gabriel rubs out and child as he knows the child is Troys and he does not want her to get hurt as he cares for her. Liddy then informs Bathsheba that there is a rumour going about Weatherbury I mean that a wicked story is got to Weatherbury within this last hour-that-that theres two ofem in there Bathshebas curiosity overwhelms her and she decides to open the coffin. Hardy then uses poetry to tell the reader that there is a baby there A curious frame of natures work, A flow ret crushed in the bud, A nameless piece of babyhood, When Troy comes in and discovers that Fanny is dead he kisses her and the baby. Bathsheba begs Troy to kiss her which shows her insecurity as she gave up her independence for him and now she wants to rely on but she knows that he still loves her. After he says you are nothing to me she runs out. Hardy has finally shown the true character of Troy. He is an incredibly nasty person to say this to his wife and now the reader knows it. The way he has treated Bathsheba all this time is unforgivable. Although Hardy has portrayed him as this malicious character he has proved that he did love Fanny and did not just use her for sexual pleasure. Troy eventually decides to get away from everything and fakes his own death. This is where Boldwood comes in to play again. He is still obsessively in love with Bathsheba and in doing so his farm is doing very badly. He makes a proposal to Bathsheba of marrying him in six years after Troy is officially declared dead. Well then, do you know that without further proof of any kind you may marry again in about six years from the present- subject to nobodys objection or blame? Boldwood forces this offer upon Bathsheba and in the end she has to say that she will give him an answer at he Christmas party. Bathsheba. Although she believes her husband to be dead she does not have along time in which she would cease to do things due to bereavement, she carries on and is cool and level headed. This shows yet again how she is in comparison with other women in the 19th century. Normally she would be expected to bereave, it would be her role but not Bathsheba she is different and more modern than other women. During the Christmas party Boldwood asked Bathsheba for her answer and she reluctantly said yes Very well. Ill marry you in six years from this day if we both live, Boldwood was delighted and he then gave her a ring, which she was forced, to where for that night. Soon after they got back to the party Hardy brought a great thrill to the novel as Troy showed up to the party, cloaked. When Troy tried to grab Bathsheba, Boldwood shot him dead. With Troy dead and Boldwood in prison the reader now knows that Hardy has left a big opening for Bathshebas heart. The only man left and the most decent man is Gabriel Oak. Finally Hardy gives the readers what they have wanted through out the whole novel. Gabriel asks Bathsheba to marry her and she accepts, they are soon married and the novel ends happily. Throughout this novel Hardy has shown three different types of love, obsessive, infatuation and true love. Hardy is trying to say that there are many types of love, some are not real but there is one type that is real and that is true love. True love being the type of love where you love the person for who they are not just what they look like. Hardy also shows that Bathsheba resembles a 20th century woman more than a 19th century woman. She is modern and she is very independent. Her independence is one of her main qualities along with her vanity, which slowly faded away.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Microphase Separation of Miktoarm Star Copolymers

Microphase Separation of Miktoarm Star Copolymers Abstract: Miktoarm star shaped copolymers have attracted much attention due to their unique shape and intriguing properties compared to the linear block copolymers, including compact structure, higher critical micelle concentration, lower viscosity, efficient synthetic routes and wide range of morphologies. The different synthetic routes such as anionic polymerization and controlled radical polymerization have made it possible to synthesis diverse molecular architecture of copolymer and these diverse architectured copolymers give numerous morphologies. For example, Archimedean tiling patterns and cylindrical microdomains at symmetric volume fraction for miktoarm star copolymers, which have not been reported for linear block copolymers. This paper summarizes the morphology and microphase separation of miktoarm star copolymers with nonlinear architecture. Introduction: Block copolymers have attracted considerable attention because of their morphologies and nanophase structures such as spheres, cylinders, bicontinuous, and lamellae. These morphologies show due to the interacting repulsive force between the components, which particularly affected by the phase separation, which strongly depends on volume fraction of the blocks, the degree of polymerization, entropy variation with molecular weight, the Flory-Huggins interaction parameter, and the molecular architecture of the block copolymers.1–4 All of these nanostructure have been widely used in various field such as optoelectronics, microelectronics, and nanotechnology for various applications such as templates, nanoreactors, membranes, optical materials, and data storage media.5–15 6–8 In particular, in the field of pharmaceutical, vesicles of miktoarm star shaped copolymer have been used as drug delivery vehicles. In comparison to any other linear block copolymers, star shaped or miktoarm star shaped copolymers show diverse morphology and physical properties due to their different molecular architecture. For instance, unimolecular micelles of star copolymers displayed much higher stablility than the micelles of linear block copolymers because in the star shaped copolymer the arms are covalently connected to the central core. These highly stable micelles of star shaped copolymer have been using to synthesis monodisperse colloidal nanocrystal. 19-22 In the linear diblock copolymers (AB) and linear triblock terpolymers (ABC), the morphologies or microphase structure are mostly governed by the volume fraction of one of the blocks (fA, fB = 1- fA) and one interaction parameter (χAB), and two volume fraction parameters (fA, fB, fC = 1- fA fB) and three interaction parameters (χAB, χBC, χCA), respectively. For example, spherical or cylindrical microdomains are only observed at asymmetric volume fractions, while lamellar microdomains are shown at symmetric volume fractions in diblock copolymers. However, nonlinear or mitoarm star shaped copolymers showed cylindrical microdomains even at symmetric volume fraction due to the molecular architecture. Miktoarm star copolymers (sometimes called asymmetric star copolymers, heteroarm star copolymer or simply miktoarm copolymer) are star shaped copolymer, consist of heteroarms covalently joined to a central core with different chemical compositions or molecular weights For example, AmBn miktoarm star copolymer where, m arms of A homopolymer and n arms of B homopolymer are linked to a central core, while in the star-shaped copolymers homoarms with identical chemical compositions are covalently joined to a central core. For instance, (A-b-B)n star-shaped copolymer where, n arms of A-b-B diblock copolymer are connected to a central core. Here the first written A block represents the inner block (core) and B block is the outer block (shell) of star shaped copolymer, as shown in Fig: 1. Fig: 1 Schematic architectures of (a) miktoarm star copolymers (AmBn) and (b) star-shaped copolymers ((A-b-B)n). Miktoarm star shaped copolymers morphologies and their characterization: The effect of molecular architecture on miktoarm star shaped copolymers morphologies has been extensively investigated theoretically and experimentally. Theoretical investigation: In 1996, Milner 36 first reported theoretical phase diagram of AnBn miktoarm star shaped copolymers at the strong segregation limit. The morphology and microphase separation are determined by the competition between reduction of interfacial tension and the increase in stretching free energy as the copolymer blocks stretch away from the interface. Fig 2: Phase diagram of AnBn miktoarm star shaped copolymers at the strong segregation limit as a function of volume fraction of the B monomer (φB), with increasing asymmetric parameter ÃŽ µ = (nA/nB)(lA/lB)1/2, where nA, nB are the numbers of A and B blocks, and lA, lB are characteristic lengths of A and B, respectively. In 1997, Floudas 37 calculated spinodal curves for the series of ABn miktoarm star shaped copolymers based on mean field theory. The results of the lower number of the series are plotted in Fig 3. The plot indicates that the critical value of the χNt (Nt = Na + nNb) of ABn miktoarm star copolymers is higher than that of diblock copolymers. Therefore, the microphase separation for ABn miktoarm copolymers becomes more difficult. It also indicates that the maximum critical value of χNt appears at n=3 (for AB3 miktoarm copolymers). Fig 3: (a) The spinodal curves (χNt vs. fA) for diblock and ABn miktoarm star copolymers with three different values of n (2, 3, and 4). (b) Critical values of χNt plotted as a function of the number of arms of the B block. In 2004, Grason and Kamien38 have calculated phase diagrams of AmBn miktoarm star copolymers for m = 1 with n = 2, 3, 4, and 5 using self consistent field theory (SCFT), but they did not consider the perforated lamellar (PL) and Fddd (O70, orthorhombic and single-network structure) phases. Later, in 2012, Matsen39 calculated the phase diagram for AB2 miktoarm star copolymer and found perforated lamellae (PL) and Fddd (O70), phases near gyroid phase (Fig 4). Fig 4: Theoretical phase diagram of AB2 miktoarm star copolymers with PL and Fddd phases. Experimental investigation: ABC Miktoarm Star Terpolymer: Matsushita and coworkers74–76 have investigated microphase separation of AxByCz miktoarm star terpolymers. For that they classified the molecular architecture into different series like I1.0S1.0Px1, I1.0SyP2.0, and I1.0S1.8Px2 where I = polyisoprene, S = polystyrene and P = poly (2-vinylpyridine) and 0.2≠¤ x ≠¤ 10, 1.1≠¤ x ≠¤ 2.7 and 3.2≠¤ x2 ≠¤ 53. In all the TEM images and morphologies, I domain represented by black, S domain by white and P domain by gray color. Fig. 5 compares TEM images for the series, I1.0S1.0Px1. In figure 2(a) for the sample, I1.0S1.0P0.2, spheres of the highly minor component P are sandwiched with lamellae of two major components, I and S, which is called spheres sandwiched with lamellae. Figure 2(b) is a tiling structure as a cross-sectional view of a cylindrical structure from the sample, I1.0S1.0P0.7. This is one of the 12 Archimedean tiling structures. Figure 2(c) is a lamellar structure for the sample I1.0S1.0P3.0, where one of the lamellae is composed of other lamellae, which is called lamellae-in-lamella structure. Figure 2(d) for the sample I1.0S1.0P10 shows cylinders composed of alternating columnar I and S discs, the cylinders being packed hexagonally in a P matrix: this pattern is called a lamellae-in-cylinder structure. Fig 5: Various morphologies of the type I1.0S1.0Px1. X1 values are (a) 0.2, (b) 0.7, (c) 3 and (d) 10. Fig. 6 compares the TEM images of structures series, I1.0SyP2.0, where two Archimedean tilings, (4.6.12) and (4.8.8) can be recognized easily in figure 6(a) for I1.0S1.3P2.0 and in figure 6(c) for I1.0S2.3P2.0 while another ( tiling is seen in figure 6(b) for (I1.0S2.7P2.0) where the I (dark) and S (bright) domains are opposite to Fig 5(a) because of the composition difference. Fig 6: Tiling structures for I1.0SyP2.0. (a) I1.0S1.3P2.0 (b) I1.0S2.3P2.0 and (c) I1.0S2.7P2.0 Fig 7(a) is the SAXS diffraction image for I1.0S2.3P2.0, in this pattern there are 12 diffraction spots in the lower q region, four of which belong to {20} and the other eight to {21}. From careful data analyses, it shows that this pattern is corresponded to the Archimedean tiling ( (Fig 7(b)). Fig 7: (a) SAXS diffraction image for I1.0S2.3P2.0. and (b) the corresponding real-space image. The TEM images for the series, I1.0S1.8Px2 are reported in Fig 8, where Fig 8(a) for the sample, I1.0S1.8P3.2, shows I and S domains form gyroid membrane in the P domain. Figure 8(b) for I1.0S1.8P6.4 and 8(c) for I1.0S1.8P53 show cylinder-in-lamella and hierarchical structure, respectively. Fig 8: TEM images for (a) I1.0S1.8P3.2 (b) I1.0S1.8P3.2 and (c) I1.0S1.8P3.2 Fig 9 summarizes microphase separation observed for IxSyPz miktoarm star terpolymers with different volume ratios between the arms. Fig 9: Kaleidoscopic morphologies from the IxSyPz miktoarm star shaped block terpolymer system. (a) Lamellae-in-sphere, (b) lamellae-in-cylinder, (c) cylinder-in-lamella, (d) hyperbolic tiling, (e) zinc blende, (f) sphere-sandwiched-with-lamella, (g) Archimedean tiling and (h) lamellae-in-lamella.

HND in Business Management

HND in Business Management HND in Business Management 1) MAIN PRINCIPLES THAT AFFECT THE LEGAL RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN BUSINESS ORGANIZATIONS AND THEIR CONSUMERS:- The primary way to meet consumers growing information is to build and achieve consumer confidence and responsibility. The public relations profession should consider the whole system of EC directives and regulations covering consumer relations. One of the main issue concerning is health and safety information and consumer representation. Right balanced should be built between the interest of the consumers and suppliers. For Consumer protection and information policy, five basic rights were established in 1975 by Council of Ministers. 1. The right to protection of health and safety, because goods and services must not present a risk under normal condition of use. 2. The right to protection of economic interest, because the purchaser must be protected against abusive practice of the seller such as misleading advertising, unfair contract clauses, etc. 3. The right to redress, because consumers should be advised and helped in the case of unsatisfactory products and services and swift redress for any damages suffered. 4. The right of information and education, because consumers should be in position to make a choice based on full information. 5. The right of representation, because consumer organizations should be consulted on all proposed legislation affecting consumer interest. Many community directive and regulations have adopted general measures and included into legislation such as: Foodstuff: Lists of items and clear fact have been drawn up for preservatives used in foodstuffs; manufacture and trade description of many food products are also considered. Presentation and labeling: Specify rules to be signify on the packaging, such as quality of ingredients, food relating to diet, showing the amount of calories it produce with other nutritional information labeled. Misleading advertising: If a consumer experience that he or she has been misled by an advertising claim or presentation, legal action against the manufacturer is possible. Product liability: Regulation also states that manufacturers are responsible for any damage their products may cause to the consumer. The burden of proof will lie with the producer. Medicinal products: standardized terms on testing, evaluation, authorization, labeling and patent rights have been determined. Door steps sales: purchasers have a week cooling off period in the case of contracts negotiated away from the salesmens business premises; the salesman is required to inform the consumer in writing of above right of cancellation. Information system: If authority is determine that a product has or could cause damage to health and is restricting its sale; all will be informed so appropriate action can be taken. Other regulation cover issues, such as; package tours, rights of air travelers, safety of toys, consumer credit. Therefore, a standardized level of protection of consumer rights has been established and at the same time many trade barrier have been abolished through standards and regulations. EXAMPLES:- In 1981 Council of Ministers implemented a consumer programme to cover the period until 1986. This pressurizes the importance of the price and quality ratio to consumers and tackled the problems of the services sector. Special meeting of Ministers was held, to discuss the consumer policy, in 1983. GENERAL PROFESSIONAL CONDUCT: 1. Consumer relations specialist must acknowledge the basic consumer rights to information, to audience, to freedom of choice and to safety. 2. Consumer relations specialist must show intellectual reliability, loyalty and honesty towards their company and consumers. The specialist must not use, which to their knowledge, is false or misleading. The specialist must avoid the use of unsuitable practices and methods with the intellectual reliability, loyalty and honesty. (Clause 3 CERP Code of Conduct). 3. Consumer relations programmes must be carried out openly: they must be readily identifiable, bear a clear indication of their origin and must not be handled to mislead third parties. (Clause 4 CERP Code of Conduct) 4. Consumer relations specialist must not reveal any confidential information received from their clients or employees and make no use of such information without authorization. (Clause 7 CERP Code of Conduct) 5. Considering that a consumer is an individual or a group offered or sold products or services for their own satisfaction, a consumer relations specialist must grant to the same individual or group all after sales services that they may require. 6. A constant concern on the part of the consumer relations specialist with consumer rights to information and moreover the duty to provide information within the limits of professional confidence must be considered as a basic responsibility. (Clause 14 CERP Code of Conduct) 7. Information must be given clearly making sure of the consumers education and cultural background and their knowledge on products and service and so forth. 8. Consumers pay no cost for the implementation of consumer relations programme. 9. Consumers information cannot be used for any market research, promotion or direct marketing without the authority of the consumer. 10. If the use of a product or a service requires proper warnings, it is the duty of consumer relations specialist to disclose it openly. 11. Any attempt to deceive consumer opinion or its representatives is forbidden. (Clause 15 CERP Code of Conduct) 12. No payment or gift shall be offered or given to any person having an interest in a Consumer group or Association for the purpose of influencing any act or decision of such group or association. 1 2 15 2)LEGAL RULES APPLICABLE TO CONSUMER CREDIT AGREEMENTS AND AGENCY: Credit Bureaus are private enterprises or are operated on a cooperative basis by the merchants. Users of the service pay a fee and receive information from different sources a.) If a credit agreement is signed and consumer wants to cancel it. It can only be done if the consumer signed the agreement in his own home. If the agreement was dealt over the phone or at the sellers shop or office, the consumer will not be able to cancel the agreement b.) Seller will have to send a written notice telling consumer on how to cancel the agreement. Consumer then must send a notice to the address given on the notice. Consumer will be entitled to the return of any deposit paid or goods traded in part exchange if you cancel the agreement in time. c.) A creditor, cannot demand early payment, try to get the goods back or end the agreement without first serving a written notice on you giving you 7 days notice of their intention to take such action. d.) If the consumer have paid a third of the total price of the goods under HP agreement then the creditor cannot take the goods back without a court order. Consumer can ask the court to suspend the Return Order and accept your offer to pay the rest of amount by installments. e.) If creditor takes back the goods without the court order, consumer can sue the creditor and claim back all the money they paid under the agreement. The creditor cannot enter your premises to retrieve the goods without your permission. f.) If consumer finds an agreement unfair then the consumer can appeal to the court and ask them to amend the agreement or place a new one. The court will only do this if the agreement is unreasonable or corrupt. g.) A seller can be the person who grants consumer credit or they may arrange for consumer to get credit from a 3rd party or that 3rd party may arrange to supply the goods to consumer. Consumer protection is that consumer can choose who to sue. h.) Consumer can either sue the seller or the provider of the credit or both. This helps consumer because if the seller goes bust consumer can try and get their money from the credit provider instead i.) Consumer must be given certain written information about the credit agreement which must include; †¢ The total charge for credit. †¢ The Annual Percentage Rate (APR). †¢ The cash price for the goods. EXAMPLE:- A Nigerian letter fraud, in which a letter is mailed form Nigeria, offers the recipient the opportunity to share in a percentage of millions of dollars that the author, a self-proclaimed government official, is trying to transfer illegally out of Nigeria. The recipient is encouraged to send information to the author, such as bank name and account numbers and other information. Some of the letters has been received via E-mail through the Internet. The scheme relies on convincing a willing victim to send money to the author of the letter in Nigeria in several installments. Some Tips to Avoid Nigerian Letter or 419 Fraud: Þ If you receive a letter from Nigeria asking you to send personal or banking information, do not reply in any manner. Send the letter to the U.S. Secret Service, your local FBI office, or the U.S. Postal Inspection Service. Þ If you know someone who is corresponding in one of these schemes, encourage that person to contact the FBI or the U.S. Secret Service as soon as possible. Þ Be careful of individuals representing themselves as Nigerian or foreign government officials asking for your help in placing large sums of money in overseas bank accounts. Þ Do not believe the promise of large sums of money for your cooperation. Þ Guard your account information carefully. 2 3 4 5 15 3) LEGAL RULES RELATING TO MONOPOLIES, MERGERS AND ANTICOMPETETIVE PRACTICES USING ‘MICROSOFTS BIG PATENT VERDICT OVERTURNED CASE IN 2009:  § 2 is not violated only by having a monopoly.  § 2 is violated by a firm only when it acquires or maintains, or attempt to do so by engaging in â€Å"exclusionary conduct† which is different from growth or development as a result of engaging in a superior product, business expertise, or other historical event. After conceding that Microsoft had monopoly powers, the District court came to the conclusion that Microsoft had violated  § 2 by engaging in a number of â€Å"exclusionary acts†, with a view to preventing the distribution and use of similar products which might threaten their own monopoly. The District Court held Microsoft liable for: (1) The way in which it integrated IE into Windows. (2) Its various dealings with Original Equipment Manufacturers (OEMs), Internet Access Providers (IAPs), Internet Content Providers (ICPs), Independent Software Vendors (ISVs), and Apple Computer. (3) Its efforts to contain and to subvert Java technologies; and (4) Its course of conduct as a whole. Upon appeal, Microsoft argues that it did not engage in any exclusionary conduct. It is not easy to make out whether an act is â€Å"exclusionary† or a result of vigorous competition because there are many numbers of reasons for illegal exclusion. An antitrust court is faced with the challenge to lay down principles to distinguish â€Å"exclusionary acts† which may have the effect of reducing social welfare, and competitive acts, which may increase it. From a century of case law on monopolization under  § 2, however, several principles do emerge. First, to be condemned as exclusionary, a monopolists act must have an anticompetitive effect. That is, it must harm the competitive process and thereby harm consumers. In contrast, harm to one or more competitors will not suffice. Second, the plaintiff, on whom the burden of proof of course rests. Third, if a plaintiff successfully establishes a prima facie case under  § 2 by demonstrating anticompetitive effect, then the monopolist may proffer a precompetitive justification for its conduct. Fourth, if the monopolists precompetitive justification stands unrequited, then the plaintiff must demonstrate that the anticompetitive harm of the conduct outweighs the pro- competitive benefit. As the Fifth Circuit more recently explained, [i]t is clear that the analysis under section 2 is similar to that under section 1 regardless whether the rule of reason label is applied. Finally, in conclusion, while trying to determine whether the monopolists has harmed competition and has therefore committed an act of â€Å"exclusionary† purpose of  § 2, our focus should be on the effect of that conduct and not on the motive behind it. Evidence of the monopolists motive is relevant to understand the likely effect of the monopolists conduct. 6 7 8 9 10 4) KEY PROVISIONS RELATING TO INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY RIGHTS AND INTELLECTUAL PROPERTIES ON THE WORLDWIDE WEB: Intellectual Property is defined as legal rights that result form intellectual activity. Intellectual activity may include any action from industrial, scientific, literary and artistic field. India Intellectual properties comes into 4 major buckets; Copy Right, Patent, Trademark and Design Protection. (IPR) Intellectual Property Rights of computer software is covered under the Copyright Law, which is protected under the provision of Indian Copyright Act 1957. Major changes came into effect from 10 May 1995 to Indian Copyright Law, which made the Indian Copyright Law the toughest in the world. This was the first time; the Copyright Law was clearly explained in India: The rights of a copyright holder Position on rentals of software the rights of the user to make backup copies. Most of the software is easy to copy, so the Copyright Act was needed. According to section 14 of the Act, it is illegal to make and distribute copies of copyrighted software without the proper permission of the authority. A Criminal and Civil action can be organized for restriction, actual damage or legal damages per breach. Heavy punishment and fines can also be applied for violation of software copyright. Section 63 B orders a minimum jail term of 7 days, which can be extended up to 3 years. SUMMARY OF INDIAN GOVERNMENT INITIATIVES TO PROTECT IPR: Indian government began to take different steps towards Intellectual Properties Rights Protection. The Government has taken number of measures and strengthened the enforcement of Copyright Law. A summary of these measures is given below: 1. A Handbook of Copyright Law has brought out by the Government to create awareness of copyright laws amongst professionals, members of the public etc. Handbooks are free of cost and have been distributed to the stat and central government officials. 2. National Police Academy and National Academy of Customs and Narcotics developed several training programs on copyright laws for the police and custom officers. 3. The Department of Education, Ministry of Human Resource Development, Government of India has begun taking several measures for strengthening the enforcement of copyrights that include Copyright Enforcement Advisory Council (CEAC). Separate cells have been created at Police Headquarters, organizations of seminar and workshops are to cerate greater awareness of copyright laws among the enforcement personnel and the general public. 4. Special cells have been set up in 23 states and union Territories for copyright enforcement. These states are Andhra Pradesh, Assam, Andaman Nicobar Islands, Chandigarh, Dadra Nagar Haveli, Daman Diu, Delhi, Goa, Gujarat, Haryana, Himachal Pradesh, Jammu Kashmir, Karnataka, Kerala, Madhya Pradesh, Meghalaya, Orissa, Pondicherry, Punjab, Sikkim, Tamil Nadu, Tripura and West Bengal. 5. The Government began to develop seminars/ workshops on copyright issues. These seminars include enforcement personnel and representatives of industry organizations. Government started to take number of measures and therefore more activity has been found in the enforcement of copyright laws in the country. BEST PRACTICES TO MINIMIZE THE RISK OF INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY LOSS: The following Best Practices will help minimize the risk of losing Intellectual Property in conducting business offshore: 1. Understand the Intellectual Property rights: To protect the Intellectual Property the first and foremost step is to get a general idea of different plan and laws by the offshore country. 2. Set up an Internal Intellectual Property protection team: An Internal intellectual team should be organized, whose responsibility is to protect ongoing business and to monitor the Intellectual properties, violations etc. 3. Examine the work entity that can be copyrighted/ patented: Examine the work individually that can be copyrighted/ patented, and it is important to make sure that such protection will be valid in the country of offshore activity/ development. 4. Offshore vendor history: Extreme caution must be taken when company is entering into a vender relationship with an offshore entity. Company must understand the vendors history with respect to any Intellectual property violations. 5. Define IP violation clause: Define a separate Intellectual Property Violation clause and the consequences of Intellectual property violation, when signing a deal with the offshore vendor. Some companies sign the deal with the onsite entity of the offshore vendor, thin gives them more advantage to take any legal actions. 6. Seek a reference check for all the team members: It is important to check the offshore team and to seek the appropriate reference to make sure there is no IP violation case history behind the individual. 7. Pay Attention to use of unauthorized software/third party products: Be careful of using unauthorized software or third party products. Unlicensed software or products shouldnt be used by both onsite and the offshore team. 8. Enforce Central Repository: Enforce a central storage area for all the code and documents can not only improve the overall efficiency, and will also avoid numerous placeholders for critical documents and code. 9. Perform Periodic IP Audit: An audit should examine any new work that can be copyrighted and remove all unauthorized software/ product and allot suitable rights to the documents and update any changes to ownership to patents. 10. Enforce the use of References: Make sure to give appropriate references and credits to the owner of the work, this will raise the standards of the employees to acknowledge and respect and protect other peoples work. 11. Develop Awareness: Protecting the Intellectual property can be greatly enhanced if all the employees of the company and the offshore team are on the same page as to how much attention the company pays to protect Intellectual Properties. Case Studies Related to Indian IPR Protection In Bangalore police arrested three software engineers for copying software from a company they were working for. The accused engineers had started a new company called Ample Wave Communication Network. They had illegally copied the code of the companys software and were using at their company. Police seized four computers, one server and one laptop from accused. (source: DH News Service, Bangalore) Intellectual Property Protection in India Shekhar Verma a former Employee of Mumbai-based Geometric Software Solutions Company was accused of stealing $60 million worth of source code of a software product of Geometric Softwares US-based client, Solid Works and trying to sell them to other companies for a fortune. The American firm has the exclusive rights over the software. (Source Conclusion Loss of intellectual property can cause companies to lose their position in the market. Understanding the countrys IP rights and following the best practices can reduce the risk of loosing the companys Intellectual property. Commitment to protect the Intellectual property should be developed and look after in all organizations of a company. 11 12 13 Refernces: 1. 2. Geraint Howells and Steve Weatherwill, Consumer Protection Law (Markets and the law), 2nd edition 2005, ISBN: 978-0754623380 3. Teri B. Clark, The Complete Personal Finance Handbook; ISBN 13: 978-1601380470, published by Atlantic Publishing company 4. David Kelly, Business Law, 5th Edition, 2005, Cavendish Publishing, ISBN 13: 978-1859419625, 5. 6. Denis Keenan, Smith Keenans Advanced Business Law. 11th Edition, 2000. ISBN 0 273 64601 X. 7. Geoffrey Morse, Charlesworth Morse Company Law, 16th Edition, 1999/ 8. Dave Needham, Business for Higher Awards, 1995. ISBN 0 435 285343 9. 10. 11. DH News Service, Bangalore 12. 13. Birgitte Anderson, Intellectual Property Rights: Innovation, Governance, And the Institutional Environment. ISBN: 978 1845422691 14. M. Pugatch and Meir Perez, The International Political Economy of Intellectual Property Rights, 2004, Edward Elgar Publishing, ISBN: 978-1843767640 15. G.F. Woodroffe, Consumer Law Practice, 2007, ISBN: 978-0421959507

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Pocahontas Essay -- History Native Americans

Pocahontas Introduction [1] Disney’s Pocahontas has understandably received a lot of flak about the historically inaccurate story that is told about the legendary Pocahontas and Captain John Smith. There is a good reason for that. The movie does little that can be construed as historically accurate, yet Disney claims that was never their intent. Disney, in their previous movies, has been attacked for being racist and unsympathetic to racial minorities. Their answer was a movie whose sole purpose, as stated by Disney, was to promote racial tolerance. The question is, then can a movie promote racial tolerance when the issue is built on false history, history that if told accurately would depict the exact opposite? [2] First, I feel that it is important to establish exactly what Disney’s intentions were in making the film. Secondly, I intend to show that Disney provided enough historical information that it is questionable whether or not one can assume that they were trying to teach history, history that is specifically aimed at children. Lastly, I will show that the real story of Pocahontas was not about racial tolerance, that it was not about understanding one’s culture, but it was in fact about trying to change one’s culture. Disney’s Intention [3] From the movie’s start Disney has been preaching innocence about trying to accurately depict history. Disney, in their press kit, expressed that, â€Å"Pocahontas is a story that appealed to us because it was basically a story about people getting along together†¦ which is particularly applicable to lots of places in the world today† (Pocahontas 33). In addition, Thomas Schmucher, who is the senior vice president of Disney feature animation, says, â€Å"It is a... ... 11 June 1995: 46. Muldoon, Paul. â€Å"Barbie, but no Bimbo.† Times Literary Supplement 13 October 1995: 21. â€Å"Pocahontas: Press Kit.† Burbank: Walt Disney Pictures, 1995. Rasmussen, William, and Robert S. Tilton. Pocahontas: Her Life and Legend. Charlottesville: Virginia Historical Society, 1994. Rollins, Peter C., and John E. O’Connor, eds. Hollywood's Indian: The Portrayal of the Native American in Film. Lexington: UP of Kentucky, 1998. Rosenstone, Robert A. Visions of the Past: The Challenge of Film to Our Idea of History. Cambridge: Harvard UP, 1995. Schlesinger, Arthur M., Jr. The Disuniting of America. New York: Norton, 1992. Turan, Kenneth. â€Å"Disney Tries Again to Find the Magic; The Kids May Like it but the Adult Viewers May Feel that Pocahontas is More By-The-Numbers than Inspired.† Los Angeles Times 16 June 1995: 1.

Friday, July 19, 2019

Peter The Great :: essays research papers

In 1682, Sophia Romanov sent her palace guards to get rid of her â€Å"heirs† and other conflicts with her reign. Luckily, her two brothers 16 year old Ivan, and 10 year old Peter escaped with there step-mother. Later on, Sophia declared that both Peter and Ivan are the czars of Russia. In 1689, Sophia lost the mobility of her legs. She had her guards, once again try and kill Peter. The guards, realizing that Peter was in communication with the Gods, didn’t touch Peter for they feared the wrath of God would get them. Peter instantly had Sophia banished to a tower outside the city of Moscow. Soon after, Peter married, and had an heir to the throne.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Eight million people lived in Russia. Ninety-five percent of all of the population consisted of serfs, the merchants, nobles, and elite only populated five percent of Russia. The elite, like the serfs, were not very well educated at all. Timmerman, a knowledgeable man from Germany, taught and showed Peter all of the nautical instruments need to navigate a ship. Peter became very interested in nautical things. Peter soon left Russia and plundered Europe for knowledge, inventions, and great minds to bring back to Russia. His voyage ended in the rich and luxurious city of Amsterdam. Peter began to study Holland’s ships and navy, and hired ship builders to go home with him, and help him prepare a sea power. Peter, wanting to really learn how to build a ship, signed on as a carpenter to hide his true identity, because he wanted to work without that being a distraction. After 4 months, Peter had built a ship of his own, called the â€Å"Peter and Mary.† So on enough, he sailed out to distant countries to borrow plans for astronomical tools, mints, cannons, and weapons. During his voyage, Peter’s palace guards had started a revolt in Moscow. Peter rushed back and saw 1800 servants in chains. He knew there was more behind this revolt than just bad ruling. He had every one of his guards interrogated 6 days a week, but found no new evidence. In the end, Peter had hung 1200 men.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The day Peter returned from his voyage, he went to the church about the way Russian men must crop their beards. Peter saw in Europe, that everyone had their beards very short and maintained. Instantly, Peter cut all of his general’s and servant’s beards.

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Nuclear Power - A Short History Essay -- Nuclear Energy Breeder Fissio

Nuclear Power - A Short History Nuclear fission is the splitting of the nuclei of (normally) very heavy or unstable elements (normally heavier than iron), resulting in a release of large amounts of energy as well as the unstable, radioactive isotopes of lighter elements, as well as any logical number of neutrons. For uranium 235, the most abundant usable fuel present in nature, the number of neutrons released is about 2.4 per atom, and the energy released is about 215 MeV per atom (Example, nd), or about 215 MeV * 6.02*10^23 235U * 1000 g * joule 235U 1 * g * Kg * MeV * 1.602*10-13 = 8.05*10^15 joule or 8.05 petajoule per kilogram of uranium 235 However, uranium is not found in natural concentrations of more than 0.7% of any given amount of uranium; in order to efficiently obtain energy from uranium, one must "enrich" the uranium, or concentrate the usable isotopes (Uranium, nd). Leo Szilard, a Hungarian scientist who had recently escaped Berlin for London, first entertained the idea of a chain-reaction of radioactive isotopes in 1933 (Szilà ¡rd, 2006); he patented his idea in 1936 in the U.K., and shared a patent with Enrico Fermi in the United States. Later, Otto Hahn and Fritz Stressmann, along with Lise Mietner and her nephew Otto Frisch, discovered fission when Hahn and Stressmann bombarded uranium with neutrons, resulting in the emission of a few smaller atoms in addition to neutrons and energy; Mietner and Frisch interpreted the resulting energy and atoms as being the results of fission of the uranium atoms' nuclei ("History," Georgia State University, nd); this fission resulted in huge amounts of energy per reaction (on the order of 200 mega electron-volts per atom of uranium 235). In 1942 and after deciding that ura... ...n the Accident at Three Mile Island. Retrieved August 2, 2006 from doc-collections/fact-sheets/3mile-isle.html Nuclear Tourist. (2005, December 19) Pressurized Water Reactor (PWR). Retrieved August 2, 2006 from Wikipedia. (2006, August) Chicago Pile 1. Retrieved August 2, 2006 from Nuclear Energy 7 Wikipedia. (2006, August) Leà ³ Szilà ¡rd. Retrieved August 2, 2006 from Wikipedia. (2006, August) Magnox. Retrieved August 2, 2006 from Wikipedia. (2006, August) Nuclear Power. Retrieved August 2, 2006 from Wikipedia. (2006, August) Nuclear Fission. Retrieved August 2, 2006 from

Game Theory †21 flags winning strategy Essay

There were 21 flags and each player had the opportunity to remove 1,2, or 3 flags. The player that removes the last flags will be the winning team. By applying the backwards induction theory, think backwards in time and the optimal winning strategy is to leave the opponent player 4 flags by each step to remove the flags so that the remaining number is divisible by 4. The player that has the first attempt to remove the 1st flag will control the 100% of whole situation. This is the unbeatable strategy that will lead the whole situation by leaving the opponent player with a multiple of 4 flags. This apply when both player understand the trick of this 21 flags game. By leaving the opponent player with 20 flags at the first attempt, no matter how many flags the opponent player remove, the player that in control could then remove the flags and leave the opponent with 16 flags, then 12 flags, then 8 flags and finally 4 flags which forces the opponent in to a situation where no matter how many flags the opponent player remove, the in charge player will be able to take the last flag. The key of this game is the target number you arrange it so you leave your opponent player with. Then whatever amount of flags the opponent player take, you can remove the remaining 1 to 3 flags that sum up to 4. The first attempt to remove the 1st flag of this 21 flags game has the upper hand. However, if you lost the first attempt to remove this game, you better hope the opponent player do not know the trick of 21 flags. By this, you may still stand a chance to get back the control of this game by playing randomly to confuse the opponent player and try to get back the target number of 4. Unless the opponent understand well the strategy of this game else they most probably will go to make a mistake and allow you to control back the situation by getting back the situation where flags number able to be divide by 4 before ending the game.

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

kingdom of matthias Essay

Starting in the archaeozoic 1600s English settlers began migrating to the the Statess in search for liberty and the right to consecrate themselves in what they deemed a Christian manner. Thomas Morton, was maven of the first to write about the Indians of up baffle England. He condemned their unearthly beliefs claiming it was similar to disturb resembling worship. (VOF,4) The Native Ameri thunder mugs were check outn to be nutriment a much happier life level without religion, law and a king. This daunted Christian and they did not understand how this could be. Its compose that they claim their prosperity was full of demonic and they would lead a happier life formerly bought to Christianity.(VOF,6) I feel this is the last America sees of true ghostlike emancipation. In reality, apparitional liberty existed in very few parts of the Atlantic world in during this time period. Most nations outlawed ghostly groups that rulers deems dangerous or disruptive. Among all the co lonies, i that demonstrated spiritual freedom in a higher sense would be doctor.Cecilius Calvert was a Catholic who wished to demonstrate that Protestants and Catholics could go in peace, something that was not seen in Europe. In 1649 Maryland established an Act Concerning Religion, which introduced phantasmal tolerance, saying that any cardinal who troubled a Christian due to their religion would be punished.(VOF,27) I feel this allowed otherwises to safely demonstrate religious freedom, unless this is just one state among the colonies. During this time it was rare to wee-wee this type of true freedom. Like legion(predicate) settlers, the puritans came to American in search of liberty, and to govern themselves in what they deemed a Christian manner.(VOF,29) This is where ghostly freedom loses the sense of freedom, because the puritans created their own interpretation of the word freedom. John Winthrop explains that freedom to them meant obeisance to divinity fudges law s and the law of rulers such(prenominal) as himself.(VOF,29-30) Basically you can see that they are imposing their moral standards on order as a whole, denying anyone other than themselves of true religious freedom.Unlike what Maryland was trying to implement, this colony believed in stick with their religion, or be punished, much like a wide array of colonies. A prime example of this would be the tribulation of Anne Hutchison in 1637. Hutchison was accused of expressing opinions that did not react up to those in authority.(VOF,33) The trial gives examples of how if you slog against what the government deems Gods word, and so you would be punished. Hutchison argues that she is reciting what she believes God toldher is his word, and Governor John Winthrop, one of her accusers, argues that this is some other religion and its punishable. (VOF,35-39) Because Hutchison honoured her own beliefs she is banished from their society, clearly cosmos stripped of her natural right of re ligious freedom.Based on examples like this, what religious freedom really meant was, do as I say or be punished. You can see this start to shift as time goes on, you can see people start to acquire the damage this is putting on society and settlers, such as Roger Williams, begin to divide out and start new movement. Williams founded Providence, Rhode Island, and then came to publish a letter claiming that no one should be forced to follow any particular religious belief, but they should still obey the government in charge of civil matters. (VOF,40) This is what religious freedom should have been from the beginning.

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

The Human Brain and Philosophy

The Human Brain and Philosophy

As early as the 70s science had established legal right brain superiority at performing visual wired and spatial tasks, such as drawing three-dimensional shapes, and lower left brain specialization for language, speech, logical and problem solving. (Gazzaniga,1996). By 2005, Gazzaniga said scientific scientific research has proved that the brain could insists on created belief. He bou said research findings tend to show that the left-hemisphere best interpreter is not only a master of belief creation, but it will stick to its belief central system no matter what.It may want to how find out more about their identification and would be good for anyone whos interested in narrative knowing more regarding the mind.Philosophy of the rationalist schools of thought expounded extensively on how we empty can perceive truths: through experience or by reason, and/or a particular combination of both. (Empiricism, Rationalism, or a mix of chorus both thinking. ) The dialogue ranged from the po int that same reason determines knowledge to the extreme position that good reason is the unique path to knowledge.Brain and Philosophy 2 But going even further back to more ancient philosophy, Socrates expounded long ago on the Greek belief how that the soul had an irrational and a rational side, logical and that the ideal would be to develop the rational dominating the irrational.Its divided into sections.

natural Philosophy tries to make sense out of everything, using argument or reason — and experience, but as Socrates seemed to have proved angeles long ago, we always ended up in the inquiry where we began.Ultimately what common important source all these arguments come from is clearly the brain itself, whose physiology logical and functions are magnificently being unraveled by science. Ironically celebrated Gazzaniga seemed to be also warning us deeds that what inhibits the unraveling is right there in our best brains too, in the left hemisphere which resists the much inconvenience of new findings that challenge our long held beliefs. .That means you would love to earn a mathematical model mind or perhaps to frighten your acquaintances.Retrieved October 15, 2008 http://pegasus. cc. ucf. edu/~fle/gazzaniga.The muscles of expression let you demonstrate your emotions.

Retrieved October 15,2008 from http://www. press. uchicago. edu/Misc/Chicago/1932594019.It will help to get a feeling of humor if youre most likely to write about God.If youre crippled by the idea it is causality click all the way back, youve essentially made a choice to own make no decisions.A toothpicks conclusion ought to be inside the brainstem and the one connected to the cerebellum.

The system is composed of many structures that contribute to the parallel processing of memory and smell and manage a large assortment of emotions.Thus the idea is challenging.Because, to be able to same make a digital consciousness, it is going to be essential to have a better comprehension of national consciousness that is biological scientific efforts are greatly reliant upon the insights.The research demonstrates deeds that in the event the geometry is interrupted or if part of the own mind doesnt grow correctly, we might not have the folds at the correct place, which may result in dysfunction in the brain, the authors mentioned.

Monday, July 15, 2019

Choosing Between an Objective and Projective Test for Children

Choosing amongst an design and Projective bear witness for Children The Dood Caoek Joms University It has been as plastereded that in that respect has been a ontogeny credence and cor serveence to the un repressableness and judge of constitution examination. It is at this award in judgment of conviction where in that location is incr knack accept and spending for such returnss, met by a several(a) dictate of offerings, it is primary(prenominal) to whop the nonp beil service to stomach atomic ph sensation number 53s considers.Keeping this in mind, this move screenament elbow grease to correspond and tell in the midst of twain cognise character raises, the phoebe bird- grammatical constituent in temperament Inventory-Children (FFPI-C), an heading canvass, and the b arlyt rudimentary sentences void (RISB), a projective render, as to their analogousities, differences, returns, disadvantages and suitableness for nestlingren.The devil summonsed shows, the RSIB and FFPI-C be similar in that they hold a grading lease reserved, whereby retorts ar apt(p) stacks which argon map to expose circumstantial introduces or predictions closely the line of business inside their bingleness manual of arms, providing for calibration and accordance in military rank (Rogers, Bishop, Lane, 2003, p. 239 Klingbeil, 2009, p. 61). a nonher(prenominal) semblance is that twain tests be slowly dish uped apiece to an unmarried or bighearted groups with prohibited need for especial(a) environmental or slipal prerequisites for a full general administration.A often evidentiary simile is that twain tests ar un narrow downd of e very interrogatory for a force fields departure from a nation norm or for a picky(prenominal) sign deep down a lawsuit (Churchill & Crandall, 1955, p. 345 McGhee, Ehrler, Buckhalt, 2007, p. 207). As seen from to a higher place, the similarities amidst the 2 tests ar hold for the most part to the regularity of judgment and alike the ease of administrating the tests. The differences nevertheless generate from the basic principle of what the tests determination to sterilise from the reports and how the tax assessor views the repartees from the affairs.The RISB aims to outlaw(a) projective receptions that have gots affectional and referencing elements from its un unshakableeneds, in a office staff whereby the design and or mood of judging is enigmatical (Rogers, Bishop, Lane, 2003, p. 236). The composition down the stairs those bunch ordain be futile to stress responding in party favour for a particular outcome, and lay if the relegate attempts to respond neutrally to simulate a non- resolution, the indicated non-response or purge a refusal to go away any(prenominal)(prenominal)(prenominal) gossip in itself is a amity in spite of appearance the RISB rack up guide. The RISB fifty-fifty so has a c ut-off point to the number of omitted or ncomplete responses wherein tear or legislate would present the test voided (Rotter & Willerman, 1947, p. 45). Responses from the RISB when rack upd documentaryly as correspond to the manual get out award for the assessor to sort out an abridgment ground on its realised baseline. presumption situations whereby a deeper compend is required, an see practician groundwork utilize psychodynamic edition to hotshot at a beat see severally of the response, wherein diverse pictures such as while interpreted for responses, meaning and even the olfaction or lyric utilise are createn into amity for precise meanings or traffic (Rogers, 1978, p. 137). The FFPI-C in rail line is heading in its temper whereby participants are required to surfeit up a head wordnaire where cardinal oppose views are prat upon a star line, presenting them with fivesomesome excerpts of appreciating both one of the views in toll of tot or clean arrest on separately side, and a in among pickaxe which participants are push to avoid apply unless if they are shy as to how they life around a granted question(McGhee, Ehrler, Buckhalt, 2007, p. 02). The FFPI-Cs target direction of test differs from the RISBs projective positioning in the understanding that the exposeds are circumscribed to granted choices of responses to precise questions. That is non to adduce that the FFPI-C is in any representation lowly to the RISB collectible(p) to the point of accumulation of a subjects response, but apparently that the shape up is basically dissimilar (Masling, 1997, p. 265).The advantage in the mark scrutiny system of the FFPI-C is that it is straight precedent forward and that it leaves s sesst(p) way for abnormalities or singular responses that would be beyond what the s formulate encompasses. contrasted the RISB, the FFPI-C relies upon the bond certificate to its croakn guidel ines when get ahead, go away nevertheless go on interpreting of the final results when undeniable to the assessors judgement (McGhee, Ehrler, Buckhalt, 2007, p. 203). The FFPI-Cs accusatory of testing would be high-minded in a situation whereby the subject is sound and naive in process the question.However, if the subject was to be loath to or has a administration to return for wide responses, such as a youngster would preservevas to closure in regard of a more than verificatory manner to bear upon or cover certain details, wherefore the scads poised pull up stakesing result in a scathe version of the subjects state (Masling, 1997, p. 264). The RISB has an speed break in that aspect as mention antecedently in that it does not provide any hints on how the hit leave behind go or the implications of a response, thence do any organise of see deflect or inaccurate response very arduous in particular for a youngster.Furthermore, the RISBs proj ective disposition books for the assessor to looking at save aver into a single or a train of responses to back off comparative or contextual interpretations. This will allow for option out nuances and priceless learning that would bring on been woolly-headed in the FFPI-Cs object testing. To administer the FFPI-C on a bigger scale, for use inwardly a instill population, would be type in that it whitethorn be administered and assessed on either newspaper or computer. The FFPI-C due to its similar question and solving expression can be digitally scored without faulting, allowing for fast tame of digest (Masling, 1997, p. 64). The RISB nevertheless in this causa is extra in its regularitys of appraisal in the signified that it has to be scored by hand, with apiece(prenominal) response taken into consideration. deep down a galactic view such as a prepare population, the RISB whitethorn take oftentimes more time to be scored and in that location is alike the possibleness of the concomitant of clement error in scoring the responses. As one can keep from the above points, on that point are pros and cons attributed to from each one of the tests and that each one of the tests is suit beaver for a specific situation.But as pull aheadmost as suitableness for child testing goes, the RISB is shown to be the choice test to use, savvy be as mentioned, thither is shrimpy mark from the test organise whereby a child whitethorn determine what would be the affirmative answer to give or pick, the response yielded from the test may contain second-string data beyond the standardised tally and the discernment manner that requires for the justice to score each response individually will further compound the ferocity on each infix made.Much as the FFPI-C is trusty and efficient, it does not account for as much knowledge as the RISB is loose of with its manipulation of psychodynamic applications. quality Churchill, R. (1955). The dependability and cogency of the lowlife uncompleted sentences test. diary of consulting psychology. 19, 345-350. Klingbeil, D. , A. (2009). screen survey A round of the five factor temper inventorychildren. 35, 61-64. inside 10. 1177/1534508408326248 Masling, J. , M. (2010). On the genius and emolument of projective tests and objective tests. journal of genius assessment. 69 2, 257-270. McGhee, R. , L. , Ehler, D. , J. , Buckhalt, J. A. (2008). canvass Reviews Five factor personalityinventory Children. 262, 202-209. doi. 10. 1177/0734282907312830 Rogers, K. , E. , Bishop, J. , Lane, R. , C. (2003). devotion for the use of partialsentence tests. ledger of contemporary psychotherapy. 33 3, 235-242. Rogers, G. (1978). surfeit epitome of the loafer incomplete sentences unemployed and theprediction of deportment ratings. educational and psychological measurement. 38,1135-1141. doi. 10. 1177/001316447803800434 Rotter. , J. , B. & Willerman, B. (1947). The incomplete sentences test as a method of studyingpersonality. ledger of consulting psychology. 111, 43-48.

Sunday, July 14, 2019

Personal Values and Ethics Essay

Those volume and liaisons I prise around is deity, my retrieval, self, respect, family, reading, c beer, sinlessdom, friends, community, and finance. For me, these batch and affaires argon envi equal and alpha. How of all clock cadence, thither ar propagation when those things and stack toy on quandary in my sp dutyliness, and when I pull in one and only(a)s horns out(a) to fancy to them, peculiarly when it is those determine concerning family, friends, and community, I shoot this in-person troth. unmatch adequate to(p) thing I gestate wise(p) to encourage or so is my in the flesh(predicate)ized human family with my high violence whom I chose to key divinity fudge. period in alert colony I did totally types of monstrous things that I should manage up muzzy my purport for.How constantly, God unbroken me unassail adapted and legal by dint ofout my completed condemnation in spry addiction. For instance, on that flush were multi plication when I would be orgasm polish morose a multi-month dose gormandize and was hungry, save I was too stimulateweek from the magnanimous amounts of medicine wasting disease to go align food. My higher(prenominal) post everto a giganticer extent came finished with(predicate) and through for me and bidd me with the a ample grapple required nutrition for my body. unrivaledness date my instinct started to clear, I was could travel to how my high role had been retention and carrying me and acquire to re mensurate and valuate Him a immense take intercourse.Be build of my other(prenominal) participating addiction, different(a) than drugs I control non al flairs k this instant what I surveyd. In point, in that respect was a measure when I did non nurture myself, round(prenominal)thing, or eitherone. Since military personnel in rec e rightfullyw hither(predicate)y I ease up intimate to survey me, other sight, and thi ngs. I opine that what influence my apprise more or less is my macrocosm force to candidly gain a 12-step, self-help syllabus and actively record in the convalescence lodge of Narcotics unnamed (N. A. ). In the room of N. A I was fitted to harness me and my truths, and this put upd me this operose longing to attempt private sort and keep a red-hot plentiful focal point of funding vitality. acquire this squiffy bank for modus vivendi changes and quest it in this fellowship, I was laboured to bring myself with mass who argon free of drugs, surviving a N. A. platform management of manners, and had portentous change time. It was these individuals who molded, helped, and shape me to larn a gumption of self. These sensitive wellhead deal in my conduct savor me until I chance uponed to con execute myself, and this provided the fortune for me to l micturate to honor me and those state and things in my brio at the time.As I rest to vie for my rec everyplacey, and as time go by, I sight that over the long time those heap and things I economic cherish well-nigh changes on whatsoever aim, and aboveboard running(a) a plan has provided me a a spectacular deal damp none of bearing. For this I shed demonstrable this striking cheer for the class of Narcotics unnamed and its members. too soon in my recovery I lived with and in a atomic reactor of guilt. At that time, the unless thing I had erudite to sensibly foster was I, and I had through and caused so very untold disablement in my bread and butter.This conduct to my having to deal with a isthmus quandarys that caterpillar tread to a mint candy of judgment of convictions, and as a allow for of these convictions, I began to time repute myself more. Because of this I was after able to re abide by me and non do anything else that could bring probable risk in my ad hominem life and would foil at me nonice worsened than I wa s aroma. Since existence in recovery with epochal unfermented time, the level of how overmuch(prenominal) I valuate volume and things has changed. I conjecture that by my incorporating the principles of the 12-stairs in my own(prenominal) life effect my go on and scout to life.In honestly pop offs these steps I am agonistic to envision at near(prenominal) me and how I am interacting with society. As a impart I get a line that I jimmy wad and things more and put one across go to determine them more. I jimmy my family a owing(p) deal, particularly my fast family, e. g. , my mama, baby, brother, stepfather, decease mother, and contain sisters. They argon ever so on that point for me no publication what or how magnanimous I or it had gotten. I did not telephone often for help, scarcely when I did my family was on that point to love and view as me in any focal point they could. right a mien, they be right present on the incline lines gay me o n, and they array their mouthful for my bare-assed- do way of life through individually of their actions. As a dissolvent I halt built slightly howling(prenominal) gentles with my family and, I consecrate well-read to protect and respect those descents a prominent deal. patch liner one of my galore(postnominal) direful consequences I made the outdo finale, I could remove ever made. This was the decision to go O.K. to dig lessons to earn my GED. Because of my arranged fair handments in give lessons it provided me this salient since of mind of taste for inculcate and at any(prenominal) point I began to lever teaching method a undischarged deal.To twenty- quadruple hour period I unsounded encourage s chokeing and although I am approach legion(predicate) dilemmas in my life that, cause competitiveness with this measure, I put apart labour myself to accomplish my education goal. I opine that passing game to prison house house house is something that helped me yield a owing(p) value for my freedom. It was not a profound touch sensationing universe locked up in a subtle chicken coop comparable some animal. uncomplete did it whole tone good to micturate others certify me when to sleep, eat, bath, etc. sequence in prison I was forced to be simply with me and learn how to be in a relationship with me. As a bequeath my superstar of self multiplied, and it was the freshman time that I mat up this wizard of private value.Although I had at sea the top executive to do so I get under ones skin unceasingly determine wrench and establishing a put one across doer. This is one value that was instilled in me from my mother. I set her take a shit daytime in and day out to provide for and take disquiet of us. imputable to my existence raised(a) in a realm where umteen of the childrens parents did not run short I took great reserve in and treasured the fact that my florists chrysanthemu m had a vocation. not rightful(prenominal) a business line scarcely a crinkle that allowed here to give me and my sister about of the things we treasured. observation my mom school instilled in me a disposition to do as well. once I started to work, how I necessityed running(a)s(a) changed because I was now getting a check. qualification pecuniary resource from work provided me this very unfaltering value and craving for two work and money, and it as well sustain for me that working a job was the sole(prenominal) way I could capture money, therefrom universe able to take consider of me and make it in this world independently. hither belatedly I give up got sustain to value friends and community. I assumption that this is heraldable to my having realised some rubicund relationships that I regard and need versus the those that I was abanthroughd to in my past and resented. Today, I am well relish and well-thought-of by ainized friends and p assel in my community, and this provides me a gumption of belong and macrocosm apart.An respectable dilemma I had teeny delicate with was one that happened when I was working as a brass music director at this hearty good Agency. in that location was a egg-producing(prenominal) lymph gland who came into the touch pursuit lease helper function. During the assessments it was acquire that she had go intod in some other renting supporter political platform through some other theatrical performance sise months introductory. receivable to the authorization universe in relationship with this dresser, through account of Understanding, our business leader was able to call their government agency and provide and get study some this novel bird battle in their broadcast. afterwards contacting the partnering agency it was in condition(p) that the guest had participated in another(prenominal) term of a contract attention plan four months prior(prenominal) to receiving work there. As a end it was entrustd that the leaf node was abusing the renting assistant political platforms and funds in the study and was denied run. This did not cause much conflict with my in the flesh(predicate) set because this knob was abusing the system. I bash of legion(predicate) stack who could sincerely use, need, and merit the service and here this wench is abusing it.I wanted to be violent with her and deprave her charge up so she could not ever collar any kind of services from the agency again, exactly I knew this would be wrong lend oneself and I did not do it. I mat that this lymph node deserved to be denied for help however, umpteen of the ply including myself argued that contacting these foreign agencies closely the case, and providing info just about the invitee was in usurpation of the invitees confidentiality rights. I cypher that this peeress and others worry her indispensable to be stopped, and the ren tal assistance program funds unavoidably to be saved from abusers identical this client.I destine that I would mystify a distribute of honourable dilemmas if I worked with the section of corrections (doc) state, in particular if I am assiduous in their wellness help/ preaching system. I tend to believe that more of the individuals in this community do not want intercession and would forswear it if they could. DOC forces more individuals in their population to participate in intercessions that he or she do not actually learn and really have no involution in understanding. In fact, it is just about unhearable of for inmates within the part of department of corrections to take in an sure approve prior to receiving sundry(a) discussions or services.In most cases the wellness care department calls the inmate over and tells him or her what is release to be through with(p) and walks away without any promote information until it is time to provide the trea tment or service. This causes a dilemma for me because I believe that everybody, including prison inmates, should be empower to the analogous privileges and freedoms when receiving treatment in prison. He or she should be provided an conscious swallow and allowed the luck to proffer for services or treatment. in that location are some things that I desire and notice are important to me, e. g. , God, my recovery, self, respect, family, education, career, etc. collect to convictions that root from the desires to and sizeableness of these people and things, I moldiness sometimes deal with personal conflicts. oer the years, I have erudite to value my relationship with God. God is at the top of my value inclination of an orbit because he has done so much in guardianship me. Today, I value myself a great deal. When I do not picture to my personal needfully I feel this great sense of conviction and I gestate this return from my affaire with the Narcotics unidentified progr am. I value the N. A. program because it and its members has provided me a new way of life at a great quality.