Friday, July 26, 2019

Welcome to India 2012 - Documentary (Episode 1 of 3) Essay

Welcome to India 2012 - Documentary (Episode 1 of 3) - Essay Example They wake up at 3am to dust the street to get gold that, in turns; they sell to Naukada- one of the gold merchants (YouTube). They get poor pay and gets frustrated. However, the have to sell to the same man as he own house in which they live in. Their struggle is highlighted as the prices for gold goes up. This means there is less available gold in dust, in the street. They opt to go for sludge. They acquire sludge in a most inhumane way, as it is full of ‘shit’. We are also shown Javeds employees working tirelessly to get pure gold (YouTube). The film also focuses on live of poor in Mumbai beach. The life is highlighted using Rajesh family. Rajesh is married to Sevita. They own a pub with no license from the council. Rajesh had been jailed due to this illegality. Sevita his wife also does part time jobs as a cleaner despite physical challenges (YouTube). The family also goes through challenges of constant eviction. They are forced to rebuild the house every time after the eviction. Rajesh is also forced to rely on moneylender to boost his stock and is faced with challenges of repaying. I disliked the way young people are forced to go through inhumane ways of making ends meet. In this film, I have learnt it is advantageous to learn how to interact and interview in order to get facts about people ways of

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