Wednesday, June 19, 2019

The Greatest Generation by Tom Brokaw Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

The Greatest Generation by Tom Brokaw - Essay Exampled to the weep in honor and love for country they turned down their own interest and pleasure to defeat their enemies and they won their independence to see their demesne rise up again from the pit of a devastating war that had killed cardinals of their loved ones and created a massive loss of their properties. These heroic deeds during the world war lead Brokaw to call their generation the greatest generation America has yet seen.World War II was the most damaging war in the history which started in the course of instruction 1939 about 70 years ago, and believed to have ended in 1945. Germanys invasion of Poland without any warning sparked the beginning of the war on September 1, 1939. On the third day of September, two other countries, Britain and France joined in the conflict against Germany and in a span of one week, four other countries, Australia, New Zealand, Canada, and southbound Africa had also joined in the war (A WW 2 Timeline). This global military conflict was divided into two opposing military alliances namely the Allies undisturbed of countries including Soviet Union, United States, and United Kingdom, and the Axis composed of Germany, Japan, Italy, and many others.World War II is the deadliest and the bloodiest war that has ever hit the world with 61 million casualties of both military and civilian. Brokaw believes that there are signifi guttert, astonishing, and memorable stories behind every tragedy -- stories of hope, of greatness, of survival that leads him to create the book The Greatest Generation.The Greatest Generation accounts stories of veterinarian Americans, men and women who fought during the World War 2 against two of the greatest military machines ever created in the history of mankind. They gave up their lives, offered up their honor, dignity, and courage to see their nation rise up again. The book aims to let Americans of todays generation know how much these people have sacrificed and fought the good fight so they can attain and

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